Senin, 19 November 2007



The right procedure to use computer. That is as follows:

  1. Use a stabilizer to decrease the bad consequence from electric voltage which turn up and down.
  2. The cable position must be set with true so it will enjoy to be seen by our eyes.
  3. To turn on the computer, press ON button.
  4. If you use Windows operating system, add the username and password. At last, press Enter or klik OK. Password like a key. If you lost your house key, you couldn’t go in to your house.Thus with the password. If you forgot your computer password, you couldn’t use your computer.

If key can be made the duplicate, but the password can’t. Nevertheles, the troublesome people use your computer and try to observe your password with easy. Otherwise, if you want to choose the best password, you must notice somethings, consist:

a) Use big font combination, small font, character, and numeric.

b) Don’t use password with symbol from date of birth, place of birth, name of best friend, name of your sister or brother because these names were easy to be observedby the people who will break open your computer password.

c) Should be, the password must different for every document or the other requirement.

d) Change your password with periodical and don’t save your password copied in arbitrarily place.

5. After in the desktop, you ready to use the softwere application program, the example: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or games.

10 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

how far do the standart from eyes to monitor?and How do the best position to use computer?

Anonim mengatakan...

kelompok 2 said

why we must use different password for every document?

abdul ghofur mengatakan...

Are there any rules tells us about how long we can acces computer for a day?

If there are, please tell me about it!

abdul ghofur mengatakan...

Sorry, my question above for another article.

the true question below,
- how to make a new account with limited acces in same computer?
- what should we do if we forgot our password?

Anonim mengatakan...

if we forget our password, what must we do?? and how to change the password??

Anonim mengatakan...

how we save our computer from virus?
how we change our address n password?

Anonim mengatakan...

when we turn on the computer and we don't know the password, we will enter as the "guest" what's the different program between "guest" n "user"

Anonim mengatakan...

If we forgot the password to open the windows system, what do we do open it?

Anonim mengatakan...

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